Sunday, February 24, 2013

Drug Lords and Mysteries and Foot Puns, OH MY

So far season four FX's show Justified has lived up to the standards of the first three seasons. It started with a bang, or perhaps a better word is splat, when a parachutist crash landed in Harlan in the 50s along with the cocaine and money he jumped with. And so the mystery and the season began.  So let's sum up the season so far by character, shall we?

Raylan Givens: The main character of the series has had quite the time in season four. He lost a bail jumper to two teenagers when they stole his car, a bail jumper that he wasn't suppose to have in the first place. He got the bail jumper back, only to shoot him in last week's episode. And so it goes. He and his girlfriend Lindsey are soooo over. Since she stole all his ill-gotten bail jumper collecting money and ran off with her convict husband. The season's most pathetic sight was Raylan lying on the ground right before Lindsey shot him with a crowd-control beanbag and said "I knew you liked me." Not really, Raylan. If you were expecting more baby-daddy Raylan drama, you'll be disappointed. So far there has been one appearance of Winona, though more than one mention of his impending fatherhood. And as always, Raylan is rolling in his daddy issues. Because what is a season of Justified without Arlo screwing something up?

Boyd Crowder: Boyd was having trouble with his drug trade at the beginning of the season, due to the church that moved into Harlan. He quickly dealt with that. Or rather, the rattlesnake that killed the preacher did. But Boyd's got other things on his mind now. He just proposed to Ava, over a box of money, and he's working for Winn Duffy with the hopes of introducing heroin to the fine junkies of Harlan county. Go for the win Boyd.

Colton: The newest character on the show does not look like he is going to last long. Or at least past the season. The Ex-military police and current junkie henchman can't seem to do anything right. He allowed Ellen May, the prostitute with a heart of gold, to slip away when he was suppose to kill her. You had one job, Colton.

The Rest of 'Em: Art just wants to retire, but everyone who works for him is a mess. Tim suddenly has his own story line, and it involves Colton. Rachel is just as bad-ass as ever, even though she wouldn't let Raylan shoot his girlfriend's husband. Arlo is in jail being cranky and not speaking. Cousin Johnny wants to kill Boyd, but has to wait until the elusive Drew Thompson is found.

Drew Thompson: The no-actually-dead parachutist is apparently still in Harlan. Only Arlo knows the name he's been using. And as stated previously, he's too cranky to give it up.

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