And just like that, season four of Justified is over.
I thought, based on the previews from the previous episode, that the show-down in the baby's nursery would be an epic, episode long staring match. A 40 minute battle of wits. But it didn't take more than five minutes for Raylan to shoot down every bad guy. And then began Raylan's mission to find Nicky Augustine.
Raylan needed the successor of Theo Tonin (who had escaped out of country after losing Drew Thompson) to be his son, Sammy. Because if Nicky made a successful grab for power, Raylan and his family would be on his list. Not a good place to be. However, Raylan had been (finally) officially suspended that morning. So he couldn't go after Augustine as a U.S. Marshal. And Art told him if he did he shouldn't come back. Luckily Sammy got some guts and managed to take out Augustine himself.
Meanwhile, Boyd and Ava had made the decision to move Delroy's body. Delroy was the man running the brothel before Ava. Ava shot him, and Ellen May witnessed it. But Murphy's law was governing them during the episode, and everything that could go wrong did. The police found the body first, Raylan picked up Boyd to get Augustine, and then they were double-crossed. Now it looks like poor Ava is going to the big house.
And once again, for the last time, Raylan and Boyd are the same person. It's the end of the season, and they have both gotten what they started chasing at the beginning. Raylan caught Drew Thompson, a promotion worthy feat. And Boyd now controls the heroin business in Kentucky. But at the end of the episode, they were just two lonely men, standing in empty houses.
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